Public Policy

Mandatory Reporting Task Force

Housed in the Office of the Colorado Child Protection Ombudsman (CPO), the Mandatory Reporting Task Force was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1240.

The task force will analyze the effectiveness of and issues with the law requiring individuals from specific professions to report suspected child abuse to authorities, including:

  • Effectiveness of mandatory reporting laws in keeping children safe 
  • Disproportionate impacts of mandatory reporting on under-resourced communities, communities of color and persons with disabilities 
  • Alternative processes and services for families who do not present child safety concerns but may benefit from other supports 
  • Sufficiency of training and infrastructure to support mandated reporters in fulfilling their legal duties 
  • Areas of the current law that require clarification regarding the role and duties of mandated reporters 

Meeting over two years, the task force is reviewing national best practices and consulting with numerous experts, researchers and people with lived experience. In January 2025, a final report of findings and recommendations will be submitted to the General Assembly, Governor’s Office and Colorado Department of Human Services. 

All meetings of the Mandatory Reporting Task Force are open to the public and streamed live via Zoom. A period for public comment is scheduled for each meeting and provides anyone the opportunity to share their experience and perspective on issues the group discusses. Zoom links, agendas and additional resources for each meeting will be posted between 12-24 hours before the meeting. For more information, please visit the CPO Events Calendar.

Task Force Meetings (Open to Public)

Dec. 7, 2022: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
Feb. 1, 2023: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
April 5, 2023: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
June 7, 2023: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
July 19, 2023: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
Aug. 2, 2023: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
Sept. 20, 2023: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
Oct. 4, 2023: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
Nov. 8, 2023: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
Jan. 10, 2024: Materials| Minutes | Recap | Recording
Jan. 24, 2024: Materials| Minutes | Recap | Recording
Feb. 7, 2024: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
Feb. 28, 2024: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
March 13, 2024: Materials | Minuets | Recap | Recording
March 20, 2024: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
April 3, 2024: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording (Full Group/ Training Subcommittee) | Recording (Reporting Processes Subcommittee)
April 24, 2024: Materials | Minutes (Full Group) | Minutes (Training Subcommittee) | Minutes (Reporting Process Subcommittee) | Recap (Training Subcommittee) | Recap (Reporting Process Subcommittee) | Recording (Full Group + Training) | Recording (Reporting Process Subcommittee)
May 8, 2024: Materials | Minutes (Full Group) | Minutes (Training Subcommittee) | Minutes (Reporting Process Subcommittee) | Recap (Training Subcommittee) | Recap (Reporting Process Subcommittee) | Recording (Full Group + Training) | Recording (Reporting Process Subcommittee)
May 22, 2024: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
June 5, 2024: Materials | Minutes (Full Group) | Minutes (Data Subcommittee) | Minutes (Specialized Occupations Subcommittee)| Recap (Data Subcommittee) | Recap (Specialized Occupations Subcommittee) | Recording (Full Group, Special Occupations Subcommittee) | Recording (Data Subcommittee)
June 26, 2024: Materials | Minutes (Full Meeting) | Minutes (Data Subcommittee) | Minutes (Special Occupations Subcommittee) | Recap (Data Subcommittee) | Recap (Specialized Occupations Subcommittee) | Recording (Full Group, Data Subcommittee) | Recording (Specialized Occupations Subcommittee)
July 17, 2024: Materials | Minutes | Recap (Specialized Occupations Subcommittee) | Recap (Data Subcommittee) | Recording (Full Group, Data Subcommittee) | Recording (Special Occupations Subcommittee)
July 24, 2024: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
August 7, 2024: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
October 2, 2024: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording
November 6, 2024: Materials | Minutes | Recap | Recording

Task Force Members

Dawn AlexanderEarly Childhood Education Association of Colorado
Yolanda ArredondoColorado Department of Human Services
Kevin BishopColorado Office of the Alternate Defense Counsel
Samantha CarwynFamilies Minister
Carlos CastilloDenver Police Department
Ashley ChaseColorado Office of the Child’s Representative
Jill CohenColorado Office of the Respondent Parents’ Counsel
Michelle DosseyArapahoe County Department of Human Services
Jessica DotterColorado District Attorneys’ Council
Tara DoxtaterRecovery Coach / Parent Advocate
Ida DruryThe Kempe Center
Jennifer EylProject Safeguard
Leanna GavinKalamaya | Goscha
Zane GrantCASA of Pueblo County
Nathaniel HailpernParent Advocate
Adriana HartleyOffice of the Delta County Attorney
Lori JenkinsKindred Kids Child Advocacy Center
Shayna KoranParent Advocate
Gina LopezColorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Shawna McGuckinFamily Resource Center Association
Criston MenzLicensed Clinical Social Worker
Michelle MurphyColorado Rural Schools Alliance
[Vacant]Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies
Margaret OchoaColorado Department of Public Safety
Colleen O’NeilColorado Department of Education
Sara PielstickerDisability Law Colorado
Roshan KalantarViolence Free Colorado
Kaycee HeadrickBoys & Girls Club
Aletha JenkinsMesa County Department of Human Services
Dr. Kathryn WellsThe Kempe Center
Donna L. WilsonWellPower
Kelsey WirtzDenver Health Medical Center
Jade WoodardIlluminate Colorado
Stephanie VillafuerteOffice of the Colorado Child Protection Ombudsman

View the 50-State Comparison of Mandatory Reporting Laws