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Stakeholder Call re: Colorado Mandatory Reporting Law
December 15, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
On behalf of Representative Froelich, Representative Young and Senator Fields, the CPO is facilitating a stakeholder call to review draft legislation to address Colorado’s mandatory reporting law. The draft, which we anticipate being able to distribute on December 14, 2021, will reflect significant contributions from the initial stakeholder call, and specifically address the five areas of law the CPO outlines in its legislative proposal.
(The proposal, as well as the CPO’s issue brief on mandatory reporting, may be found on the CPO’s website HERE.)
This meeting will be held via Zoom.
The Zoom access link is included below, and a calendar invitation with this access link will be emailed, as well.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88371886088?pwd=UEZZZ0RFYVVUQ1VGUVZrck85MmdjZz09
Meeting ID: 883 7188 6088
Passcode: 095161
One tap mobile: +13462487799,,88371886088#,,,,*095161#