The Office of the Colorado Child Protection Ombudsman is currently experiencing an influx of cases which has increased the length of time required to review each case. The agency remains committed to providing quality and thorough services to each of its clients, and we sincerely appreciate your patience as we work to return the case review times to normal.

Paul Atkinson

A photo of Timothy Montoya and his mother Elizabeth at a balloon rally. Timothy is smiling, standing in front of his mother as hot air balloons inflate on the ground behind them.

Colorado Task Force Releases Groundbreaking Recommendations to Prevent Youth from Running Away from Out-of-Home Care

Members of a task force created by the Colorado General Assembly believe Colorado can be a national leader when it comes to how it prevents and finds youth who run away from placement in foster care and residential treatment facilities.  In its final report, The Timothy Montoya Task Force to Prevent Children from Running Away […]

Colorado Task Force Releases Groundbreaking Recommendations to Prevent Youth from Running Away from Out-of-Home Care Read More »

Colorado Capitol Building

Colorado Child Protection Ombudsman calls for better surveillance in Colorado secure youth centers to protect young people from use of force injuries.

Click here to download the full issue brief It’s not uncommon for young people in Colorado youth detention facilities to suffer fractured bones, broken teeth, cuts and deep bruises as staff attempt to physically restrain them. Videos of use of force incidents in Colorado Department of Human Services-Division of Youth Services (DYS) facilities during the

Colorado Child Protection Ombudsman calls for better surveillance in Colorado secure youth centers to protect young people from use of force injuries. Read More »