The Office of the Colorado Child Protection Ombudsman is currently experiencing an influx of cases which has increased the length of time required to review each case. The agency remains committed to providing quality and thorough services to each of its clients, and we sincerely appreciate your patience as we work to return the case review times to normal.

CPO Board Meeting

The CPO Board will hold its regularly scheduled meeting from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Thursday, November 9, 2023. The majority of this meeting will be held in executive session so board members may receive their annual Open Meetings Law training from the Attorney General's Office. The agenda for the meeting may be found […]


Timothy Montoya Task Force Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Housed in the Office of Colorado's Child Protection Ombudsman, the Timothy Montoya Task Force to Prevent Children from Running Away from Out-of-Home Placement was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1375. The task force will meet over two years, holding public meetings via Zoom. Named after 12-year-old Timothy Montoya […]


Timothy Montoya Task Force Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Housed in the Office of Colorado's Child Protection Ombudsman, the Timothy Montoya Task Force to Prevent Children from Running Away from Out-of-Home Placement was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1375. The task force will meet over two years, holding public meetings via Zoom. Named after 12-year-old Timothy Montoya […]

Mandatory Reporting Task Force Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Housed in the Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman, the Mandatory Reporting Task Force was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1240. The task force will meet over two years, holding public meetings via Zoom. The task force will analyze the effectiveness of and issues with the law requiring […]

CPO Board Meeting

The Office of the Child Protection Ombudsman (CPO) Advisory Board will hold its regular meeting from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 14, 2024. The meeting will be held via zoom. Meeting materials and Zoom information will be posted to this page no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting.  

Mandatory Reporting Task Force Meeting

Housed in the Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman, the Mandatory Reporting Task Force was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1240. The task force will meet over two years, holding public meetings via Zoom. The task force will analyze the effectiveness of and issues with the law requiring […]


Mandatory Reporting Task Force Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Housed in the Office of Colorado's Child Protection Ombudsman, the Mandatory Reporting Task Force was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1240. The task force will meet over two years, holding public meetings via Zoom. The task force will analyze the effectiveness of and issues with the law requiring […]


Timothy Montoya Task Force Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Housed in the Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman, the Timothy Montoya Task Force to Prevent Children from Running Away from Out-of-Home Placement was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1375. The task force will meet over two years, holding public meetings via Zoom. Named after 12-year-old Timothy Montoya […]

Mandatory Reporting Task Force Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Housed in the Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman, the Mandatory Reporting Task Force was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1240. The task force will meet over two years, holding public meetings via Zoom. The task force will analyze the effectiveness of and issues with the law requiring […]

Mandatory Reporting Task Force Meeting

Housed in the Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman, the Mandatory Reporting Task Force was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1240. The task force will meet over two years, holding public meetings via Zoom. The task force will analyze the effectiveness of and issues with the law requiring […]


Timothy Montoya Task Force Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Housed in the Office of Colorado's Child Protection Ombudsman, the Timothy Montoya Task Force to Prevent Children from Running Away from Out-of-Home Placement was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1375. The task force will meet over two years, holding public meetings via Zoom. Named after 12-year-old Timothy Montoya […]

Mandatory Reporting Task Force Meeting

Housed in the Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman, the Mandatory Reporting Task Force was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1240. The task force will meet over two years, holding public meetings via Zoom. The task force will analyze the effectiveness of and issues with the law requiring […]