The final report from the Timothy Montoya Task Force has been published and is available for download. See Report
Public Policy

Timothy Montoya Task Force Final Report

The Timothy Montoya Task Force to Prevent Children from Running Away from Out-of-Home Placement began meeting in September 2022 after the Colorado General Assembly  passed House Bill 22-1375.

The task force is named after 12-year-old Timothy Montoya who was hit and killed by a car shortly after running away from his out-of-home placement in June 2020. The 22-member task force met for two years to study runaway behaviors to develop a consistent, prompt and effective response for youth who run away from foster care and residential childcare facilities.

The task force found that there is no cohesive, statewide system in place that addresses the needs of youth who run from out of home placements.

Task Force Materials

The work of the Timothy Montoya Task Force and its recommendations are featured below. Under each date is the corresponding meeting video, agenda and research materials utilized by task force members.
Meeting Materials
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Recording
Meeting Materials
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Recording
Meeting Materials
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Recording
Meeting Materials
Meeting Recap
Meeting Recording
Meeting Materials
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Recap
Meeting Recording