The Task Force has identified its priorities for addressing each of the 19 directives provided in law, while also working to tackle the systemic issues identified.
Mandatory Reporting Task Force Final Report
Housed in the Office of the Colorado Child Protection Ombudsman (CPO), the Mandatory Reporting Task Force was created by the Colorado General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 22-1240.
The task force analyzed the effectiveness of and issues with the law requiring individuals from specific professions to report suspected child abuse to authorities, including:
- Effectiveness of mandatory reporting laws in keeping children safe
- Disproportionate impacts of mandatory reporting on under-resourced communities, communities of color and persons with disabilities
- Alternative processes and services for families who do not present child safety concerns but may benefit from other supports
- Sufficiency of training and infrastructure to support mandated reporters in fulfilling their legal duties
- Areas of the current law that require clarification regarding the role and duties of mandated reporters
Meeting over two years, the task force reviewed national best practices and consulted with numerous experts, researchers and people with lived experience. In January 2025, a final report of findings and recommendations was submitted to the General Assembly, Governor’s Office and Colorado Department of Human Services.
Task Force Materials
The work of the Mandatory Reporting Task Force and its recommendations are featured below.
Meeting Materials from 12.7.22
Speaker References and Reading Materials
- 2-1-2023 Speaker Bios
- 2.1.2023 MR TF Suggested Reading Materials
- Brown, et al 2022 The Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on CPS
- CO NCANDS Flow Chart
- Covid-and-Child-Welfare-brief
- CSSP-Entangled-Roots CW Excerpt
- Melton-2005 MR. A policy without reason
- Merkel Holguin, et al. Structures of Oppression
- Racial Disparities and Disproportionality in Child Welfare – Doris Tolliver Presentation 2.1.2023
Meeting Materials
Agenda and Materials
Member Materials
Optional Reading
Pre-Work Materials
- Mandatory Report TF Feb-1-2023 Meeting Minutes-Unapproved March 2023 FINAL
- Mandatory Report TF Feb-1-2023 Meeting Recap March 2023 FINAL
Speaker Information
Agenda and Materials
- Agenda
- Casey Family Programs Data Presentaion June-7-2023
- Colorado Child Welfare Interim Committee Appointment List June-7-2023
- House Bill-22-124 SIGNED 2022
- MandatoryReporting TF June-7-2023-Slides
- Mandatory Reporting TF Medical Mental Health Survey Summary June-7-2023
Member Materials
Pre-Work Materials
- Mandatory Reporting TF April-5-2023 Meeting Recap
- Mandatory Reporting TF April-5-2023 Unaproved Meeting Minutes
Agenda and Meeting Materials
Member Materials
- Mandatory Reporting Task Force Meeting Recap June-7-2023 FINAL
- Minutes – June 7, 2023
- Mandatory Reporting TF Provider and Educator Survey Summary July 19-2023.docx
Agenda and Meeting Materials
Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Recap Document
- Meeting Slides November-8-2023
- Minutes Mandatory Reporting TF October-4-2023 Unapproved
- Recap Mandatory Reporting TF October-4-2023
- Agenda MRTF November-8-2023
Resources for Abuse/Neglect Definition Discussion
- MRTF Abuse Neglect Definitions Exceptions Resource November-8-2023
- MRTF Definitions of Abuse and Neglect Statute Gateway November-8-2023
- Colorado Definition Abuse Neglect
- Meeting-Slides November-8-2023
Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Recap Summary
- Agenda
- Minutes Mandatory Reporting TF November-8-2023
- Recap Mandatory Reporting TF November-8-2023REVISED
- Roadmap Slidedeck Mandatory Reporting TF January-10-2024
Note Catchers from Members
Resources for Abuse / Neglect Definition Discussion
- Colorado Definition Abuse Neglect
- MRTF Abuse Neglect Definitions Exceptions Resource November-8-2023
- MRTF Definitions of Abuse and Neglect Statute Gateway November-8-2023
Meeting Materials
Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Summary Recap
Draft of Possible Recommendation
Resources for Abuse / Neglect Definition Discussion
- Colorado Definition Abuse Neglect
- MRTF Abuse Neglect Definitions Exceptions Resource November-8-2023
- MRTF Definitions of Abuse and Neglect Statute Gateway November-8-2023
Agenda, Minutes Minutes and Summary Recap
- Agenda
- Minutes Mandatory Reporting TF January-24-2024
- Recap-Mandatory-Reporting-TF_January 24-2024-REVISED
Resources for Abuse / Neglect Definition
- Colorado Definition Abuse Neglect
- MRTF Abuse Neglect Definitions Exceptions Resource November-8-2023
- MRTF Definitions of Abuse and Neglect Statute Gateway November-8-2023
Revised Recommendation
Agenda, Meeting Minutes, Summary Recap
Supporting Research
Agenda, Meeting Minutes, Summary Recap
- Agenda
- Recap Mandatory Reporting TF February-28-2024 corrected
- Minutes Mandatory Reporting TF February-28-2024
Meeting Materials
Agenda, Meeting Minutes, Summary Recap
Meeting Materials
- Alt Processes and Services Recommendations
- Alternative Processes and Services Research Resource
- Subcomittee Descriptions
50-State Comparison Data
Agenda, Meeting Recap and Meeting Minutes
Reporting Processes Subcommittee
Training Subcommittee
Agenda, Meeting Recap, Meeting Minutes
- Agenda
- Recap-Mandatory Reporting TF April-3-2024.docx
- Minutes MRTF Training Subcmte April-3-2024
- Minutes MRTF Reporting Subcmte April-3-2024
- Minutes Mandatory Reporting TF April-3-2024
Reporting Process Subcommittee
Agenda, Meeting Minutes, Summary Recap
- Agenda
- Minutes Mandatory Reporting TF April-24-2024
- Minutes MRTF Reporting Processes Subcommittee April-24-2024 Revised
- Minutes MRTF Training Subcommittee April-24-2024 Revised
- Recap MRTF Reporting Process Subcommittee April-24-2024 Revised
- Recap MRTF Training Subcommittee April-24-2024 Revised
Meeting Materials
- MRTF Training Subcommittee Directive Survey Response May-8-2024
- MRTF Reporting Process Subcommittee Directive Survey Response May-8-2024
Agenda, Meeting Recaps, Meeting Minutes
- Agenda
- 5.8.24 Recap Training Subcommittee.docx
- 5.8.24 Recap Reporting Processes Subcommittee
- 5.8.24 Minutes Training Subcommittee
- 5.8.24 Minutes Reporting Processes
- 5.8.24 Full Group Minutes
Meeting Materials
Supporting Research
Agenda, Meeting Minutes, and Recaps
- Agenda
- Item 1 6.5.24 Specialized Occupations Subcommittee Minutes
- Item 2 6.5.24 Data Subcommittee Minutes
- Item 3 6.5.24 Full Group Minutes
- Item 4 Recap MRTF Data Subcommittee June-5-2024.docx
- Item 4 Recap MRTF Specialized Occupations Subcommittee June-5-2024.docx
Agenda, Meeting Minutes, Recaps
- Agenda
- 6.26.24 Full Minutes
- Data Recap
- Specialized Occupations Recap
- 6.26.24 Specialized Occupations Subcommittee Minutes
- 6.26.24 Data Subcommittee Minutes
Meeting Materials
Agenda, Meeting Minutes, and Recaps
- Agenda
- 7.17.24 Full Group Minute MRTF
- 7.17.24 Specialized Occupations Subcommittee Minutes
- 7.17.24 Data Subcommittee Minutes
- Specialized Occupations Subcommittee Recap
- Data Subcommittee Recap